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Spotify issues

YouTube issues

Thanks for hanging in there and going through this journey with me for the past month or so.

I have some good news on the Spotify and YouTube front.

YouTube: I reached out to Muserk Rights Management directly and let them know that someone used their platform to file a fraudulent claim against me. They were very helpful, compliant, and cheerful in assisting in removing the fraudulent claim.

Spotify: After a ton of back and forth between Spotify and CD Baby, I realized that neither one would take responsibility in helping me directly. So I decided to resubmit my music for distribution on Spotify through my distributor. This, of course, involved me paying my distributor again to create a new release of the existing album Darkmatter. While I was at it, I decided to release Isolation as a single in order to hopefully reduce the damage zone if something like this were to happen again in the future.

After about a week of waiting, both the single and the album are now available once again on Spotify.

Thanks again to all who have shown support and solidarity. It means the world to me. I am relieved to have this stressful situation resolved going forward. To be honest, I expected so much more from Spotify and from my distributor, CD Baby. I have heard that other distributors are just as bad. As a small ,independent artist, it's a necessary evil that I have to live with.

Anyway, with these situations resolved, I can finally move forward. As I mentioned in an interview earlier this year, I do have a lot of desire to release a new single sometime this year. I haven't been able to put the time, effort, thought, and care into it that I would like in order to feel that I am producing a polished end result. With these issues resolved, hopefully I'll be able to sink a little bit of time and effort into the track I'm working on.

Finally, I do want to engage more with the community. I would like to post more regularly - maybe once per month or something like that. But I also want to have something meaningful to post about. So hopefully I'll be able to start making progress on the track again.

Anyway, thanks again for the support and understanding during the false copyright claims situation I've been going through this past month. Y'all are the best!



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